The names of the female ancestors are grouped like rays, collectively forming a circle. In Japanese, such a circle is called an enso . Painting an enso is seen as a Zen practice, much like meditation. It is the unique expression of the here-and-now.

design: Barbara Cooper.
The circle can be enlarged with two fingers. You can also download it. downloaden.
A circle has various symbolic meanings. For instance, a circle has no beginning and no end. This also applies to the practice. You can endlessly begin with Zen. Our true nature, also known as Buddha nature, is without beginning or end. In a circle, there are no stages, no further or less far. One point on the circle is not further than another point on the circle. Similarly, practice is not a matter of “I am further along than the other.” It is endlessly beginning again with a “beginner’s mind,” as Shunryu Suzuki Roshi said.
It is often said that the circle is the oldest symbol and represents unity. A circle is full and at the same time empty and open. It unites the one and the other. Nothing is excluded. A circle is like the number 0, it is something—namely the number zero—but also nothing.
A circle also reminds one of the bright full moon, an image often used in the Zen tradition to represent enlightenment.